History can either be a Schoolmaster or a Mistress. It
depends on the intent of the reader. It also depends on what the reader
considers sacrosanct. We all tend to hold certain things as so inviolable as to
make objective questioning that might breach that privately held trust, unacceptable.
This is all fine when the only thing that might be defiled
is our personal conscience or even the feelings of another.
But when the thing or person questioned, has power and the
ability to send men and women, who have selflessly granted those certain powers
unfettered access unto death, those things and people thought to be
untouchable, must be questioned.
When President Elect Trump announced, he was selecting General Mattis as his Secretary of Defense I was simultaneously elated and troubled;
When President Elect Trump announced, he was selecting General Mattis as his Secretary of Defense I was simultaneously elated and troubled;
I will not apologize for applauding the selection of a Marine
Corps General to the highest influential position for the Military especially
given Mattis’s demonstrated love for Marines, and the Corps. At the same time,
I reserve the right to criticize what I believe to be the single most
destructive decision made in the past 15 years of war; the decision to shift
from a Hunt and Kill strategy to the historically failed, Counter Insurgency
Operation (COIN).
This move from the violent – and effective, hunt and kill
strategy to COIN really made national headlines following the second Battle of
Fallujah. The Media and certain Political types were quick to credit General
Petraeus’s institution of COIN strictures in the years that followed, for
pacifying Al Anbar Province but the truth is, it was most certainly the surge
of US uniforms that forced the Insurgents to displace.
It is astonishing that Military Leaders, including Mattis
and Petraeus would so willingly adopt a strategy that history teaches us, has
not been successful in its 76 years as a formal battlefield doctrine. It has
failed to produce the intended result in every single application while simultaneously
producing a grotesque and vaulted pile of body bags filled with the lifeless
bodies of America’s Best, who were tricked into believing that America’s
civilian government and her upper echelon military staff actually cared about a
successful, and victorious conclusion to the wars that ended their lives.
It is a damnable truth, that Marines and all American War
Fighters win every battle we enjoin, and that the political and upper military
strategists manage to lose the wars.
This, is the true legacy of COIN warfare.
This, is the true legacy of COIN warfare.
All the major conflicts we have witnessed since the
publication of the Small Wars Manual in 1940 and with the notable exclusion of
World War II which was not governed by this insanity, have failed to produce a
Victor or a repentant enemy.
Following World War II, there were several major shifts in
the geo-political landscape, the first being the establishment of the United
Nations. The Charter literally placed a perverted choice before each member
Nation; accept the Charter, or retain complete National autonomy.
Many will argue with this assessment but in truth, a Nation
and its leadership cannot serve two masters; the National people it represents
or its allegiance to an outside entity which does not share the concerns of
that Nation. The UN was the Orwellian concept made manifest and placed all
member nations on notice that the needs of the “world”, outweighed the needs of
the individual nations. While that concept may play well on the big screen
depicting non-existent alien beings and a fanciful future galactic societal
construct, it is a pitiful and treacherous way for a Nation’s Leader to treat
the people he has sworn to protect.
The second major shift following World War II, was a
general move away from colonization. Britain and France would be the first to experience
the difficulties of navigating through the messy business of maintaining peace
in their respective territories while being pressured by the UN to relinquish
control of those territories to the indigenous peoples. Those existential
pressures were exacerbated by both the French and British populations who were
growing weary of war.
What precipitated these shifts, was a shared revulsion at
the prospect of a third world war. All parties were determined to never see
another global conflict like World War I or II. The 1940’s Small Wars Manual
became the source document for what would become known, alternately as the Counter
Insurgency Operation, Police Action or Peacekeeping Operation. These efforts
identify three main elements within the Battle Space; a fledgling but
legitimate government, a besieged civilian population and an unwanted insurgent
The grand powers-that-be, would determine if a Nation was
experiencing an insurgency that rose beyond what its Law Enforcement agencies
could contain and then offer assistance to that Nation – or that Nation could
request help from the world community. The Military deployed to aid that Nation
really acts more as an international police force than a conventional military
even though, its members, are trained as hunter/killers.
Insistence on inserting the Armed Forces of your Nation
into a country that is experiencing a hostile insurgency requires agreement
between the besieged nation and the nation providing the military aid and just
a little bit of arrogance and insanity.
No nation seeks to do battle – even limited battle unless
it can be shown that the problem presents an existential threat to its own
security. And given that every single COIN Op effort has failed since the
formalized, modern expression of COIN in 1940, it is impossible to understand
the justification to commit to yet one more incursion within its strictures.
We have seen several notable examples of the institution of
COIN since 1940; The Malayan Emergency, the Indochina War(s), The US in
Vietnam, the Korean War, Somalia, Bosnia, the Russians in Afghanistan, the US
in Afghanistan post June 2009 and Iraq. As I write this piece, we are
witnessing another slow build-up of US troops in Iraq, and on the Syrian border,
presumably, to expel ISIS.
Malayan Emergency – 1948 - 1960
The British found themselves embroiled in Malaysia from
1948 – 1960 to dislodge some 2500 Chinese Communist insurgents who crossed the
Thai border into Malay at the behest of Mao Tse Tung. Those 2500 Guerillas,
exploited the dwindling economy in Malay; stirring up feelings of resentment
amongst the expatriated Chinese living in the largely pluralistic Malay. This
was but one of many efforts by the Chinese Communists to spread their philosophy
throughout the region.
By 1960, the British and their Malayan counterparts had
suffered some 4271 dead and wounded with another 2400 civilians killed and 810
missing. The result, was the British giving up Malaysia which they had
controlled for some 135 years. The relationship between the Malayan people and
the British was truly symbiotic with British owning the plantations and hiring
the Malayans. The society flourished. By 1967, the Insurgency was rekindled and
troubled Malaysia until 1989.
First Indochina War – 1946 - 1954
While the British were mired in Malay, the French were
having their own troubles in what became, North Vietnam. An anti-French insurgency
formed, instigated by the Chinese and led by the newly constituted Viet Minh.
Further aggravating the situation was an influx of arms by the United States
and Russia. By the 1st of August in 1954, the French had suffered a
resounding defeat at Dien Bien Phu and racked up 76,000 Dead, 64,000 Wounded,
40,000 Captured and their Vietnamese counterparts had lost another 59,000 Dead
and Wounded. The result? The French were forced to withdraw from the region
with no resolution.
Vietnam War – 1954 - 1975
The United States entered the region following the Geneva
Accord in July of 1954 and we stayed embroiled in a largely unpopular and
frustrating conflict until our shameful and final Operation of the war,
Operation Frequent Wind; a massive Helicopter evacuation of some 7,000
personnel – American and Vietnamese collaborators from throughout South Vietnam
and from the very roof of the US Embassy, in Saigon, 29-30 April 1975. This was
21 years after we took over from the French.
Our Cost? 58,315 Dead and another 304,000 wounded. The aggregate
totals of other friendly nations who supported the effort are, 750,000 Dead and
another 1,185,000 Wounded.
The Result? After a combined total of 29 years of combat
via COIN, the Chinese Communists had their way, and the mission to keep Vietnam
a Democracy – Failed!
Korean War – 1950 - 1953
The Korean War was the UN’s first foray into battle and
they chose to do it within the COIN paradigm. The Mission was again, to keep South Korea
By the end of that conflict, the United States had suffered
37,000 Dead and another 104,000 Wounded. The aggregate total of other friendly
nations who participated are, 1,217,000 Dead.
The Result? South Korea remained free by Armistice; but at what cost? To this day, there are United States Service members standing guard on the 38th parallel and we will, into the unforeseen future. South Koreans are largely living in house arrest and continually threatened by a mad man raised by another mad man, who is quietly supported by his Communist neighbor, China.
The Result? South Korea remained free by Armistice; but at what cost? To this day, there are United States Service members standing guard on the 38th parallel and we will, into the unforeseen future. South Koreans are largely living in house arrest and continually threatened by a mad man raised by another mad man, who is quietly supported by his Communist neighbor, China.
The other dubious and failed efforts at COIN include Russia’s
attempt in Afghanistan from 1979-1989 yielded them 84,000 Dead, Wounded and
Missing without a single thing to show for their trouble.
Somalia, Bosnia, Afghanistan, Iraq and a growing commitment
to the circumstances in Syria have done little more than activate a beehive of
terrorists while creating even more friction with Russia and Islamic regimes in
the area.
Years ago I was instructed to never offer a criticism
without a solution and I have endeavored to live up to that rule ever since. So
here is my vision of how combat and our exposure to the Battle Space should
1. If you
have an enemy that needs to be killed; kill him! Hunt him down with ferocity
and unyielding determination. Deliver him such a level of unrelenting violence that
his children’s, children will tell tales of the carnage you leave behind!
2. If a
Host Nation reaches out for help with an insurgency, it should be impressed
upon them that every Mother’s Son of the indigenous population had best be
personally invested in the effort to the point of death. The old axiom “Freedom
isn’t Free”, is not just for America’s Sons and Daughters who serve in the
polluted sands of the Middle East – it is for all who dare claim they want
3. When
you have the enemy bottled up like we had the ideological murderous Taliban in
Tora Bora in 2001, finish the job! We could easily have killed everything in
the region with FA Ordnance and simply left the sandy nation of Afghanistan the
very next day and with a stiff warning, rather than spending the next 15 years
floundering through the insanity of COIN and filling another 4,500 body bags
plus, with American Warriors and years of broken promises!
I don’t know what the future holds and I certainly cannot
say with certainty how General Mattis will advise President elect Trump in future
considered campaigns. But he has shown a robust support for the Counter
Insurgency Operation and an uncomfortable admiration for Islamists who inhabit
the Nations we have been operating in. We have knowledge of the perverted
practices of a troubling percentage of Afghan men who abuse their Bacha Boys;
of devout Muslim men who brutalize and torture women and little girls. Those
Generals who held Command in Afghanistan saw fit to follow COIN theory to the
letter and turned a blind eye to those vile practices while ordering United
States Marines to remove their protective glasses so “the people could see
their eyes”.
Field Grade Officers who had the mission of meeting with
village leaders were also ordered to remove their protective armor and leave it
outside the meeting house along with their weapons; all in a misguided effort
to win the hearts of a people whose hearts belong to a religious system that
orders them to kill Infidels.
There has been a presumption of guilt and a legion of JAG
Officers, giddy at the prospect of trying War Fighters for infractions of the
artificially applied nonsensical rules promulgated by a strategy that is self
I do know, President Elect Trump, likes to win and by his
own words, doesn’t like a loser.
I wonder if he is prepared to go toe-to-toe with some of
his advisors who see the world differently? I hope so because, the American War
Fighter has a right to expect his Leaders to make decisions that give him the
best opportunity for victory – and life!
Semper Fidelis;
John Bernard
When I heard Trump was considering General Mattis , the news said he was the author and major proponent of COIN. I knew that there's gotta be some weird disconnect between that strategy he advocates for and the nickname "Mad Dog" given him by fellow Marines. His nickname obviously conjures up images of a hard hitting, relentless Hunter/Killer leader. Trump likened him to a modern day Patton. Patton? COIN? Anyway, I seriously planned on contacting you John to help me understand this dichotomy. Voilà . You delivered before I asked. I don't see anyone in the media questioning this nomination along this line. Seems the Left just hates anything Trump does and the Right drinks the koolaid no matter what flavor. Wish your article could hit a larger public forum and land on Trump's desk. I wonder if he ever even heard of COIN. Bet not
ReplyDeleteThat, of course, is the great concern; that Trump has no idea about any of this. He gravitates to large personalities as long as they have been personally successful, of course.
In this case, knowing what those large personalities believe is mighty important....and just a little historical perspective as well.
I guess we'll see...
Than You- and-I agree - no more COIN--our BEST are 'paying' the ultimate price for a failed policy--
ReplyDeleteC-Christian Soldier
Outstanding article, and please write more, John. This just confirms my worst fears about Mad Dog. I plan to share your article via email & on my FB page, and thanks very much. Also for learning about COIN, a term with which I was unfamiliar.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the compliment and stopping by.
DeleteIf you have a chance, you may want to read other entries.
Semper Fi!